All council members were present for the Tuesday, September 7 City Council meeting. Open session started at 5:08 p.m. and ended at 10:47 p.m. Here's what you missed:
Six Carson Sheriff Station Employees awarded Certificate for saving Young Girl's Life. The city recognized the heroic acts of six members of the Carson sheriff station for reviving 21-month old Maddie on Aug. 25, when she was found in a backyard pool, face down and unresponsive. During the regular report from the Carson sheriff's station, Mayor Lula Davis-Holmes read the names of the deputies and dispatcher and the City awarded them certificates of commendation to recognize their remarkable act of heroism for saving a toddler's life. Maddie and her mother made an appearance giving a heart-felt thanks to everyone and the council played a tribute video which included doorbell camera footage of the officers helping the girl regain consciousness. Every councilmember emphasized the importance of having a great law enforcement team, all of which was best summarized through Councilmember Cedric Hicks thankful remarks, "This is just part of your daily routine that you guys do all the time. People don’t always know what you do, but this time it got magnified and was able to be seen by all."
Council Celebrates ‘Town and Gown Promise’ signing. The council presented a video of the 'Town and Gown Promise' signing event between California University of Dominguez Hills and the City of Carson which took place July 28. The video shows CSUDH President Thomas Parham and Mayor Lula Davis-Holmes signing the agreement and includes speeches from the rest of the city council. According to a press release issued by the City of Carson, the Town and Gown Promise seeks to do the following:
Lead and manage operational relationship between the City and University
Establish a task force comprised of City and University executive leadership to implement mutually benefitting projects, programs and initiatives for the enhancement, enrichment and progression of the community and University
Elevate communication between the community and Campus.
“It is important that we carefully plan in unison with the University to enhance our projects and programs while moving the City of Carson forward. The Town and Gown Promise will strengthen our relationship with the university, ensure that we have mutually enhanced beneficial pursuits and secure our future unlimited,” said Carson Mayor and CSUDH alumnus Lula Davis-Holmes.
City Management highlights 17 Internal Promotions so far in 2021. City staff promotions will now be added into the agenda along with introductions of new hires.
City Manager Sharon Landers felt remised not having the information on previous council meetings, "Over the past three years, the city has promoted an average of 20 internal employees per year." Human Resources Director Fay Mosely read the names of 17 individuals who received promotions since the beginning of Jan. 2021 before introducing ten new hires recently added to city staff. Councilmember Jawane Hilton thanked city management for the move, "Often times in the workplace people may feel like there are no promotions… I want to applaud you guys for highlighting those internal hires for those people who have achieved getting the next phase in their career."
New Ordinance Establishing Permit Process for Temporary Events Introduced. In a unanimous vote, the city adopted, by introduction only, a new ordinance which establishes a criteria for classifying temporary events as well as identifying standards, conditions, and exemptions for approval of such events.
The ordinance first separates temporary events into three categories:
Major - Events which impact multiple city departments and have 750+ attendees. (carnivals, parades, festivals)
Minor - Events which impact multiple city departments and have less than 750 attendees (5K/10K races)
Miscellaneous - Events which impact only one city department and is handled solely by that department.
In addition to submitting completed applications to the Community Services Department applicants must also:
Agree to pay for cleanup of event premises after the event.
Provide event insurance naming the City as an additional insured.
Agree to hold the City harmless from liabilities arising from injury caused by participants.
Pay a traffic control fee on permit insurance if traffic control is needed.
Oppenheimer Investigations Group, LLP chosen to operate independent, third-party investigation services. The council unanimously voted to award an initial six month contract to Oppenheimer Investigations Group, LLP to conduct 3rd party investigation services regarding certain sensitive employee matters. The council had the option between two firms with different hourly prices and starting times. One option, Stream Kim Wrage Hicks & Alfaro, PC was significantly cheaper, charging $250 per hour, and was able to start working immediately. Oppenheimer Investigations Group, LLP, an all women-owned and soon to be all minority-owned firm, charges $420 per hour and their principal investigator, Vida Thomas, would not be able to start any investigations with the City in four weeks time. Councilman Jawane Hilton motioned to choose Oppenheimer suggesting paying for better quality services, "I don’t want my employees thinking that we are skimping… [that] we are going to push the cheap person over this one. We want quality over quantity." Mayor Lula Davis-Holmes and Mayor Pro Tem Jim Dear were initially unsure of the motion, pointing out the $170 per hour difference in prices, but Councilmember Jawane Hilton convinced them by quoting one of the Mayor's sayings: "You get what you pay for." Dear confirmed with the City Attorney that the firm had experience in investigating City Managers. The contract services agreement will not exceed a total sum of $24,999.
The council made the following Proclamations:
Recognizing Prevailing In Christ Ministries and Pastor Michael J. Ealey for supporting food distribution programs and vaccination efforts in the Carson community.
Recognizing September 8 as Carson Literacy Day.
The 20th Anniversary of 9/11.
Recognizing the month of September for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
Recognizing the month of September as Sickle Cell Awareness Month.
Upcoming Events:

Cajun & Blues White Linen Affair Friday, September 10, 6 p.m. Carson Event Center - Rose Garden.

American Red Cross Blood Drive Tuesday, September 14, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Carson Community Center Hall A.

Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration Saturday, September 18, 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. Foisia Park.

Jazz Festival Virtual Event Saturday October 2, 6 p.m. Live Stream at .
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