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Council Meeting Recap: Nov. 4, 2020

All council members were present for the Wednesday, November 4 City Council meeting. Open session started at 5:02 p.m. and ended at 7:38 p.m. Here are the highlights:

First Round of Election Results Indicate Lula Davis-Holmes in the lead for Mayor’s Seat. City Clerk, Donesia Gause-Aldana, announced the first round of election results indicating Councilmember Lula Davis-Holmes as the lead candidate for the Mayor’s seat. Additionally, voters decided for the Sales Tax Measure (K), and Councilmembers Jawane Hilton and Cedric Hicks are on track to winning reelection for their respective districts. Mayor Al Robles congratulated all the candidates for running for office and expressed his thanks for being given the opportunity to serve as Mayor. “It was one of the greatest honors of my life to serve as Mayor of this great city. I appreciated the opportunity the residents of Carson gave me 4 years ago to do just that.” The council will need to decide whether to hold a special election or appoint someone to fill the vacant seat left by the councilwoman’s transition. According to the city clerk and L.A. county election results website (, as of November 4 the vote totals are as follows:

  • Mayor

  1. Councilmember Lula Davis Holmes – 11,215 votes, 33.8%

  2. Councilmember Jim Dear – 10,366 votes, 31.5%

  3. Mayor Al Robles – 7,693 votes, 23.3%

  4. Ana Meni – 3,712 votes, 11.2%

  • District 1

  1. Councilmember Jawane Hilton – 4,535 votes, 51.4%

  2. Vincent Kim – 1,858 votes, 21.5%

  3. Charles Thomas - 1,597 votes, 18.1%

  4. Elito Santarina – 827 votes, 9.3%

  • District 3

  1. Councilmember Cedric Hicks – 3,671 votes, 42.2%

  2. Brandi Williams Murdoc – 3,152 votes, 36.2%

  • Measure K

  1. Yes – 16,943 votes, 54%

  2. No – 14,420 votes, 45.9%

3 Proclamations for the Month of November. The council announced 3 separate proclamations declaring November as National Diabetes Awareness Month, Prematurity Awareness Month, and Indigenous People Month and recognizing the prevalence of all three issues. By proclaiming November as National Diabetes Month, the council recognizes that approx. 30.3 mil Americans currently have diabetes which is 9.4% of the US population and another 84.1 mil Americans have pre-diabetes and are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. For Prematurity Awareness month, the city of Carson recognizes the prevalence of premature births and the impact it has on communities around the world. The council marks November as Indigenous People Month and recognizes Native Americans as descendants and original inhabitants of the country as well as the many contributions Native Americans have made and continue to make to the United States.

Council increases funds available for renters and small businesses impacted from COVID-19.

The council unanimously approved increasing assistance funds made available for applicants interested in the Emergency Rental Assistance Program and the City Small Business Loan Program in an attempt to make these programs more popular. Councilmember Jawane Hilton motioned to increase the amount made available to individuals in need of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program from a $3,000 limit total to $10,000 while Mayor Al Robles bargained to increase funds for the City Small Business Loan Program approved applicants from $10,000 to $30,000. The motions were made after the council pointed to the low turn out of accepted applicants for COVID-19 relief programs. The Small Business Loan Program has had 29 approved applicants while the renter’s assistance program has only approved 4. City staff will come back at the next city council meeting with ideas as to how to expand the number of relief programs as well as their popularity.

Task Force Totals Update. Director of Community Services - Parks and Recreation, Robert Lennox updated on the total number of services provided by the task force and its emergency relief programs. Furthermore, he indicated that the local COVID test site has reduced its hours from Monday-Wednesday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. As of March of 2020:

  • Community Center COVID-19 Testing Site has administered 17,639 tests and 62 in-home tests for homebound seniors ages 65+. To schedule an in-home test call (310) 952-1793.

  • The Carson Health Resources Hotline has had a total of 12,742 calls.

  • Grab & Go has provided 94,123 meals.

  • ERB Food Distribution delivered 300 meal kits.

  • Meals on Wheels delivered 11,146 meals.

  • Carson Essentials To Go sold 1,291 food packages.

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