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CAT Holds Free Census 2020 Workshop

In January, Carson Accountability and Transparency launched its Municipal Engagement Opportunity Workshops, a series of informational sessions focused on engaging and empowering Carson residents to remain civically active.

The first workshop in the series focused on the 2020 Census and how it affects the City of Carson. Speakers from the U.S. Census Bureau and California Complete Count were present to answer any questions. Residents were able to receive information about how to fill out the Census, its impact on our City, and issues concerning privacy.

Both speakers again reassured residents that there is no question regarding citizenship or social security numbers anywhere on the Census questionnaire.

As of April 26, 58.8% of households in the City of Carson have responded to the Census. That is higher than the State’s total response rate of 54.8%. However, during the last Census in 2010, a total of 74.6% of Carson households responded to the brief questionnaire.

CAT continues to urge Carson residents to fill out the Census, if they have not yet done so. The federal government uses the Census numbers to evenly distribute billions in funding to support fire departments, education, infrastructure, and community programs that help our seniors, children, and families. Filling out the Census takes just 10 minutes and your answers help ensure our City gets adequate funding for necessary services.

Fill out the 2020 Census online at and help Carson to help you!


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