In Memoriam: Dr. Rita Boggs
Carson CAT
SEP. 10, 2019
Dr. Rita Boggs passed away on August 10, 2019 to complications of dementia. A 30-year Carson resident and Staten Island native, Dr. Boggs received her bachelor�s degree and master�s degree in chemistry; and her doctorate from University of Pennsylvania.
An educator, chemist, entrepreneur, and a citizen-activist, Dr. Rita Boggs will be sorely missed by any and everyone who had the pleasure of knowing her. In lieu of flowers, her family has asked for donations to ACS Scholars, a program designed to support disadvantaged college chemistry students.
Dr. Rita Boggs passed away on August 10, 2019 to complications of dementia. A 30-year Carson resident and Staten Island native, Dr. Boggs received her bachelor�s degree and master�s degree in chemistry; and her doctorate from University of Pennsylvania. She spent 14 years as a nun teaching chemistry at Norte Dame High School in New York. And then taught chemistry at her alma mater, Notre Dame College of Staten Island NY.
Dr. Boggs moved to Southern California in 1979 for work. After which she became involved with the American Chemical Society.
In 1982, Dr. Boggs founded her own company, American Research and Testing Inc. She continued to teach part time at El Camino Community College in the early 1980�s, and CSU Dominguez Hills from 1985 to 2008.
After retiring from American Research and Testing Inc. in 2008, Dr. Boggs spent her time staying active in the City of Carson. She served on the Planning Commission and Mobile Home Rental Review Board. But made her biggest mark as the city�s de facto chemist helping explain scientific issues to the community. For her long-time civic involvement, the City of Carson gave Dr. Boggs a Proclamation of Recognition in 2019.
An educator, chemist, entrepreneur, and a citizen-activist, Dr. Rita Boggs will be sorely missed by any and everyone who had the pleasure of knowing her. In lieu of flowers, her family has asked for donations to ACS Scholars, a program designed to support disadvantaged college chemistry students.