On Sept. 9, Carson Accountability & Transparency (CAT) and the Caron Chamber of Commerce co-hosted the L.A County 2nd District Supervisor Forum.
The candidates, State Senator Holly Mitchell and L.A. City Councilman Herb Wesson, went back and forth answering the same set of questions by moderator Dr. Hamoud Salhi, associate dean of international education & senior international officer at California State University, Dominguez Hills.
The event began with brief introductions from Richard Chang on behalf of the Carson Chamber and Dr. Sharma Henderson on behalf of CAT. After which the candidates were each allotted a 2 minute opening statement where Senator Mitchell stated that “the next supervisor has to ask herself” how to best help L.A. County face problems related to COVID-19, homelessness and mental health, making a nod to the fact that if she wins the seat, residents will see an all-female County Board of Supervisors.
When asked about COVID-19 recovery efforts, Councilman Wesson used the opportunity to urge people to vote in November, noting that local jurisdictions need help from the federal government to recover from the pandemic and “we just get absolutely nowhere with the current administration.”
The candidates continued to go back and forth answering questions about homelessness, community welfare and education, internet access, Measure J, the relationship between the County and City of Carson and what ways the County can and should help the City.
The comment of the night came from Senator Mitchell when discussing Measure J, the historic L.A County ballot measure that would alter the justice system, in which she suggested having a transparency and accountability commission for the L.A County Sheriff’s Department.
“Much like Carson CAT – when you shine a bright light on government, it makes for a better equitable public policy for everybody.”
How to Watch (or Rewatch) the Forum
The forum was livestreamed via Zoom for registrants and also on Facebook Live. A full recording of the event remains available on CAT’s Facebook page, as well as on the CAT website at carsoncat.org/forum2020